The Imperial Crypt (Capuchin Crypt) is located under the Capuchin Church on the Neuer Markt in the centre of Vienna. It is the last resting place of the imperial Habsburg family.
Empress Anna, the wife of Emperor Matthias, stipulated in her will in 1618 that a Capuchin monastery including a burial place for her and her husband would be built within the city walls of Vienna.
To this day, 146 people, including 12 emperors and 19 empresses and queens, have found their last resting place in the crypt. Not all Habsburgs are here. Rudolf I lies in Speyer and the first Habsburgs, who had originally been buried in Switzerland in the Basler Münster and in the Königsfelden monastery church, were first transferred to the St. Blasien monastery due to the turmoil of the Reformation and then, when this monastery was to be abolished, to the St. Paul monastery in the Lavantal valley (Carinthia). The homepage of the Capuchin crypt provides information about other burial sites of the Habsburgs.
Maria Theresia and emperor Franz I. Stephan
Franz Josef (center) with Sisi (left) and Rudolf.
Sisi died on 10 September 1898 due to an assassination. That was more than 120 years ago and still flowers are brought to her.

Looking for Gertrud:
Gertrud von Supplinburg did not belong to the Habsburgs, but through marriage to her second husband, Duke Heinrich II, Jasomirgott, belonged to the Babenbergs. She also died in 1143, about 500 years before the Imperial crypt was built.
She is not buried here.
Hint: where are the Babenbergs buried?