In Penzing, the 14th district of Vienna, at the Mauerbachstrasse 43 lies the baroque moated castle.

It was once the retirement home of Field Marshal Gideon of Laudon, who was born in 1717 in Tootzen in the Baltic Livonia. He entered the service of Maria Theresa in 1742, defeated the Prussians of Frederick the Great and finally expelled the Turks from Belgrade in 1789. A great patron of the arts In 1776 he acquired the castle and furnished it artfully to spend his last years here until 1790. Essential parts of the interior are from his time. The extensive park still breathes the tranquil spirit of this epoch
Today the property is privately owned and leased to the Republic of Austria, which uses it to train its administrative staff.
It is often used for weddings.
The Freskensaal is decorated with magnificent frescoes by Johann Baptist Wenzel Bergl. They depict Maria Theresa as the ruler of the four continents.